Camms.Engage, Camms.Insights and Camms.Connect Q1 (Jan-Mar) 2022 Product Release Update
Kisholi Mendis
Senior Solutions Consultant, Camms
Reading Time : 5 Mins
Published Date : June 13, 2022
Last Updated : June 16, 2022

This product release update features a detailed explanation of the enhancements released for Camms.Engage and Camms.Insights during Q1 (January to March) of 2022 and a brief explanation of modifications made to Camms.Connect. If you need in-depth information, you may access our release notes.

What’s New in Camms.Engage

1. Automatically displaying all risks which are linked to the hierarchy

This enhancement will allow the Administrator to ensure that any risks that are directly linked to a hierarchy, which the Camms.Engage dashboard is built on, would automatically be displayed without any manual intervention.

2. Enhancement to the Risk List and Risk Node components to display the template status

This enhancement will let you select a template risk with the detail level configuration which should be applied to all the other risks within the dashboard.

3. Automatically displaying all projects linked to the hierarchy within the Project Phase Summary extended component

This enhancement will let an administrator ensure that any projects that are directly linked to a hierarchy which the Camms.Engage dashboard is built on, would automatically be displayed within the Project Phase Summary Extended component without any manual intervention.

4. Showcasing the ‘Compliance by Authority Document’, ‘Obligation Summary’ and ‘Obligation Detail’ Components of the Camms.Risk Compliance Solution within the Camms.Engage Dashboard

The new Compliance by Authority Document and Obligation Summary components now lets you showcase all active obligations from the Camms.Risk Compliance solution, in the Camms.Engage Dashboard.

The Authority Documents and its linked Obligation Summaries are shown within these components using grid and chart views, while the summary view of all its linked obligations can be viewed by clicking into an Authority Document. Wherein, the Obligation Detail component could then be used to further drilldown into an obligation, to showcase the detailed view in the Camms.Engage Dashboard. This is applicable for Active Authority Documents and Obligations only.

5. Risk Control List, Risk Control Node, and Risk Control Details to be compatible with the new Control Register module

With the introduction of the revamped Controls Register, you can now showcase the new Controls that are linked directly to the Hierarchies, along with the Controls that are linked to the Risks.

6. Customising the sequence of columns in the Risk and Risk Heatmap details components

This enhancement lets an administrator arrange the field order of the Risk Detail component by simply dragging and dropping the fields.

The grid displayed in the dashboard then reflects the sequence set from the admin panel.

What’s New in Camms.Insights

1. Introducing 20 new datasets for our new Control Module

With the release of our revamped Controls Module, a set of new Control datasets are introduced within Camms.Insights. These datasets align with key areas of the module such as: control details, documents, and links.

2. Introducing a new standard dataset for Project Portfolio view

This dataset enables you to reproduce the Project Portfolio view of Camms.Project, enabling you to design reports which easily mimic the hierarchy of projects as seen within the solution. All columns configured to be visible for this page of Camms.Project, through Project Settings > Project Portfolio View will be available via the dataset as well.

3. Introducing a new datasett to return project board and team data from the current phase

With the introduction of this new Project_BoardAndTeamCurrentPhase_STND dataset, details of the Project Board and Team object will be captured, which is in the current or the latest phase (in the absence of current phase data) of the project. The fields that should be available for the dataset are enabled through the Field Visibility checkboxes in Object Configuration under Project Workflow.

4.Introducing a new standard dataset to provide additional summary level project risk information

This new dataset includes the following summary level information for every project: Average Risk Rating Score, Average Risk Rating Description, Highest Risk Rating Score, and Highest Risk Rating Description. This can be joined with the existing Project Register dataset to present further details about a project, if required.

5. Introducing a risk aggregation capability to Camms.Insights datasets

This enhancement relates to the Camms.Risk feature release ‘Aggregating risks across the enterprise’ and reflect on the Insights Risk Assessment datasets.

6. Introducing new datasets to retrieve data from Child Risks in Risk Aggregation

Four (4) separate Risk datasets for each risk type are introduced to present the parent-child relationship of the risks ( show the parent risk along with the related child risks). These four datasets capture all the child risks under each of the respective risk types.

  1. Risk_StrategicChildRiskLinks_STND
  2. Risk_OperationalChildRiskLinks_STND
  3. Risk_ProjectChildRiskLinks_STND
  4. Risk_CorporateChildRiskLinks_STND

What’s New in Camms.Connect

1. Interactively visualise data via standard out-of-the-box Microsoft Power BI Dashboards

Camms.Project Portfolio Dashboard
Using our new out-of-the-box Microsoft Power BI Dashboard for project portfolios, you can now get an overview of all your projects and identify risks, incidents, and cost or schedule overflows to be able to take effective countermeasures.

Camms.Risk Dashboard
Using our new out-of-the-box Microsoft Power BI Dashboard for Risks, you can now get an overview of Strategic, Operational, Corporate, and Project types with a holistic view across different categories and groupings, including risk ratings, risk appetite, risk controls, and risk actions.

Camms.Risk Incident Dashboard
Using our new out-of-the-box Microsoft Power BI Dashboard for Incidents, you can now get an overview of all the different incident types, including severity and priority ratings, locations, lost time injuries, incident investigations and actions, as well as linkages to related risks, projects, and compliance authority documents.

2. API based SCIM Integration

System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), makes user data more secure and simplifies the user experience by automating the user identity lifecycle management process.
With SCIM, user identities can be created either directly in a tool like Okta or imported from external systems like HR software or Active Directory. This enables IT departments to automate the provisioning or deprovisioning process, while having a single system to manage permissions and groups. Since data is transferred automatically, the risk of errors is reduced.
IT departments no longer need to develop and constantly update custom integrations that connect company directories to various external tools and apps. Employees outside of an IT division can take advantage of the single sign-on (SSO) option to streamline their own workflows and reduce the need to reach out to IT for password resets.

3. Argos Risk Connector

Integration with ArgosRisk is now available as an out-of-the-box connector for our clients who wish to bring their Argos data into Camms Solutions. Initially, this integration is only applicable to Argonomics data.
With this integration, our clients can now assess and monitor the financial viability of their key commercial third-party relationships, including metrics related to:

  • Overall financial viability
  • Short and long-term cashflow
  • Long-term business health
  • and much more…

4. Retrieving Project Issue, Decision and Action Register data from Camms.Project

You can now retrieve data from the ‘Issue Register’ object of Camms.Project using the following API endpoints.

GET/api/v2/ProjectIssueThis API will let you export data from the Issue tab of the Issue Register object.
GET/api/v2/ProjectIssueDecisionThis API will let you export data from the Decision tab of the Issue Register object.
GET/api/v2/ProjectIssueActionThis API will let you export data from the Action tab of the Issue Register object.

5. Retrieving Project Change Register, Vendor, Budget, and Purchase order data from Camms.Project

You can now retrieve data from the ‘Change Register’ object of Camms.Project using the following API endpoints.

GET/api/v2/ProjectChangeRegisterThis API will let you export data from the Change Register tab of the Change Register object.
GET/api/v2/ProjectChangeRegisterVendorThis API will let you export data from the Vendor Register tab of the Change Register object.
GET/api/v2/ProjectChangeRegisterBudgetSummaryThis API will let you export data from the Budget Summary tab of the Change Register object.
GET/api/v2/ProjectChangeRegisterPurchaseOrderThis API will let you export data from the Purchase Order tab of the ‘Change Register’ object.

6. Retrieving Time Entry and Resource Allocation data from Camms.Project

You can now retrieve data related to project time entry and resource allocation using the following endpoints.

GET/api/v1/TimeEntryThis API will let you export time entry data for projects in Camms.Project.
GET/api/v1/ResourceAllocationThis API will let you export resource allocation data for projects in Camms.Project.

7. Retrieving Implementation Budget data from Camms.Project

You can now retrieve data from the ‘Implementation Budget’ object of Camms.Project using the following API endpoint.

GET/api/v2/ProjectImplementationBudgetThis API will let you export data from the Implementation Budget object of Camms.Project.

8. Retrieving Cashflow data from Camms.Project

You can now retrieve data from the Cashflow tab of the ‘Budget’ object of Camms.Project using the following API endpoint.

GET/api/v2/ProjectCashflowThis API will let you export data from the cashflow tab of the ‘Budget’ object.

9. Retrieving Ongoing Expenses data from Camms.Project

You can now retrieve ongoing expenses data from the ‘Preliminary Budget’ object of Camms.Project using the following API endpoint.

GET/api/v1/ProjectBudgetOngoingExpensesThis API will let you export data from the Ongoing Expenses tab of the Preliminary Budget object.

10. APIs for Camms.Risk Audit module

A new set of Camms.Risk Audit APIs are introduced to create audit recommendation details, hierarchy linkage details, and secondary responsible officer details.

GET/api/v1/AuditBoardThis API will let you retrieve details of the secondary responsible officer of an audit record.
GET/api/v1/AuditHierarchyThis API will let you retrieve hierarchy linkage details of an audit record.
GET/api/v1/AuditRecommendationDetailsThis API will retrieve data from the audit recommendation details page of the Camms.Risk Audit module.

11. New outbound APIs for the Camms.Risk Compliance solution

A number of APIs is introduced covering the Camms.Risk Compliance Management solution, including the ability to retrieve a set of frequently used data fields for all compliance records, export compliance details object and custom object data, export list of workflows, objects and their fields.

GET/api/v1/ComplianceThis API will let you retrieve high level information of Compliance records. Based on filter values, one or more Compliance information can be retrieved.
GET/api/v1/ComplianceDetailThis API will let you retrieve information from the standard Compliance details object. This will cover all standard and custom fields available in the standard Compliance object.
GET/api/v1/ComplianceObjectDetailThis API will let you retrieve information from all Compliance custom objects.
GET/api/v1/ComplianceWorkflowThis API will let you retrieve Compliance workflow information configured in the application.
GET/api/v1/ComplianceWorkflowElementThis API will let you retrieve object information configured in each Compliance workflow.
GET/api/v1/ComplianceWorkflowElementFieldInfo This API will let you retrieve field information configured in each object configured within a Compliance workflow.

12. Retrieving new Compliance information in Camms.Risk Compliance

Introducing APIs that will let you retrieve Linkage lists, Action lists, Location lists, Action details, and Linkage detail information from the Camms.Risk Compliance product.

GET/api/v1/ComplianceActionDetails This API will let you export Compliance Actions details data in the Camms.Risk Compliance product.
GET/api/v1/ComplianceLocationThis API will let you export Compliance Location data in the Camms.Risk Compliance product.
GET/api/v1/ComplianceActionThis API will let you export Compliance Action list data in the Camms.Risk Compliance product.
GET/api/v1/ComplianceLinkageList This API will let you export Compliance Linkages such as Project, Risk, Hierarchy, Obligation, Authority Document, Policy, Incident and Controls.

13. Retrieving Staff Permission data related to Incident, Compliance, Policy, and Authority Document

You can now retrieve user permission data that are already allocated for staff using the following API endpoints.

GET/api/v1/staffimspermissionThis API will let you export user Incident Permissions from Camms.Risk Incident.
GET/api/v1/staffcmspermissionThis API will let you export user Compliance Permissions from Camms.Risk Compliance.
GET/api/v1/staffpolicypermissionThis API will let you export user Policy Permissions from Camms.Risk Compliance.
GET/api/v1/staffauthoritydocumentpermissionThis API will let you export user Authority Document Permissions from Camms.Risk Compliance.

14. APIs for the new Camms.Risk Survey module

With the introduction of our latest Camms.Risk Survey module, a new API connector is available for you to extract Survey Details, Survey Questions and Survey Responses.

GET/api/SurveyThis API will let you retrieve high level information of a survey.
GET/api/SurveyQuestionThis API will let you retrieve information related questions within a survey.
GET/api/SurveyResponseThis API will let you retrieve information related to the responses provided for each question in a survey

15. Exposing risk linkage information in the Camms.Risk solution

You can now retrieve Risk linkage information such as hierarchy links, KRI links, incident links, of risk records in the Camms.Risk solution.

GET/api/v2/RiskLinkageThis feature will let you obtain linkage information of a Risk record. This will include hierarchy links, KRI links, incident links, etc.

16. Creating action and task details in the Camms.Strategy solution

A new API is introduced to create planning hierarchy actions and tasks by inserting data to relevant sections (action details and task details) in the Camms.Strategy solution.

GET/api/v2/ActionThis API endpoint will let you create an Action record by adding data to the Action details tab in Camms.Strategy.
GET/api/v2/ActionTaskThis API endpoint will let you create a Task record by adding data to fields available in the Task details tab in Camms.Strategy.

17. Retrieving Location details in Camms.Risk Incident

This new API will let you retrieve location data available in Camms.Risk Incident.

GET/api/V2/IncidentLocationDetailsThis API will let you retrieve Location data available for Incidents from the Camms.Risk Incident product.

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Camms.Engage, Camms.Insights and Camms.Connect Q1 (Jan-Mar) 2022 Product Release Update
Kisholi Mendis
Senior Solutions Consultant, Camms
Camms.Engage, Camms.Insights and Camms.Connect Q1 (Jan-Mar) 2022 Product Release Update
Camms.Engage, Camms.Insights and Camms.Connect Q1 (Jan-Mar) 2022 Product Release Update
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Camms.Engage, Camms.Insights and Camms.Connect Q1 (Jan-Mar) 2022 Product Release Update