The Reporting Hub: Simplifying Your Reporting Processes
Kisholi Mendis
Senior Solutions Consultant, Camms
Reading Time : 7 Mins
Published Date : March 28, 2022
Last Updated : June 20, 2023

We understand that not everyone finds joy in preparing reports. That's why the Camms Reporting Hub is designed specifically for professionals like you. With the Reporting Hub, you gain more than just access to a comprehensive library of pre-built report templates. You also receive direct assistance from our team of skilled Reporting Consultants and report writing experts. Our consultants are on hand to guide you through every report-related hurdle you might encounter. Whether it's whipping up brand new reports, personalising those already in your repertoire, or tweaking our templates to fit your unique requirements, we've got you covered.

Ready to learn more? Keep reading to uncover the possibilities in a world where reporting isn't a chore, but an adventure.

What Is the Reporting Hub?

The Reporting Hub connects you with a Camms Reporting Consultant who will skilfully handle a multitude of tasks related to reporting and dashboarding. From crafting precise outputs to customising existing reports, our consultants possess the expertise to streamline your reporting processes. Need assistance with administration or scheduling? They’ve got you covered. With the Reporting Hub, you can focus on what truly matters while our reporting writing experts take care of the rest, delivering comprehensive support and consultation.

  • Request bespoke reports or dashboards tailored to your specific business needs.
  • Choose from our expanding Report Library and let your consultant activate and customise them as per your requirements.
  • Receive training from Reporting Consultants to empower yourself or your team in building and updating your own reports.

Here are some of the repetitive reporting admin tasks we can help streamline in Camms.Insights, boosting your efficiency and productivity:

  • Configure automated report delivery schedules for seamless distribution.
  • Granting folder access and managing permissions for selected users.
  • Efficiently organising, streamlining, and managing your reports, including archiving, and deleting unused ones.
  • Conducting thorough audits of your reports post process/configuration changes and making essential adjustments to ensure optimal functionality.
How to Access the Reporting Hub

Accessing a Reporting Consultant is a seamless process. To begin, visit the,Camms.College website and click on the Virtual Consulting page.

Once you’re in, you have two options: Firstly, you can venture into our extensive Report Library. This comprehensive collection teems with a multitude of reports for each Camms solution, all ready to be sculpted to meet your organisation’s unique requirements. Secondly, you can opt for a one-on-one consultation with a Reporting Consultant. The ‘Specialisation’ filter serves as your navigation tool, directing you towards consultants whose expertise is in ‘Report Writing’. This provides you with a roster of specialists, your very own panel of experts ready to assist you.

Alternatively, you can use a direct email communication to reach out to our reporting team at When submitting an email-based request, a consultant will evaluate your request and contact you for any additional details. Upon your confirmation, the requested report will be activated in your environment. Furthermore, the given email is a reliable channel through which you can seek guidance or assistance for any questions or concerns related to reporting and dashboarding.

How to Book a Reporting Agent Consultation

Our exceptional team of Reporting Consultants brings a wealth of knowledge across diverse domains and reporting tools. Whether you seek guidance in enhancing your in-house reporting capabilities through tailored training or desire a seamless, comprehensive solution for all your reporting requirements, our dedicated consultants are here for you. With their extensive experience and commitment, they will ensure that your reporting is optimised and that you receive top-notch assistance every step of the way.

So, how do you get the reporting support you need? Booking a reporting consultation can be achieved in a few simple steps:

  • Initiate your booking by clicking on “Virtual Consulting” on the Camms.College portal.
  • Browse through our Reporting Writing consultant profiles, assessing their specialised domains, solution expertise, and supported regions.
  • Choose your consultant and click on “Book Now”.
  • Select the appropriate duration for your meeting.
  • Choose a convenient date and time based on your consultant’s availability.
  • Provide your name and contact details, along with any additional information that can aid your consultant in preparing for the meeting effectively.
  • Finalise the booking request by clicking “Done” to secure your slot.

Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation- along with the joining links for your consultation. You can always reach out to if you need any support with your booking.

Types of Reports/Dashboards Available

Camms provides numerous ways to generate reports and dashboards from the system, and your Reporting Consultant can support you across all these avenues.

Camms Standard Reports & Dashboards
Discover an array of pre-built reports and dashboards that come standard with your Camms Solution. Your Reporting Consultant is here to guide you through utilising these reports effectively and configuring dashboards to align with your preferences. Should you need to tailor a standard report, they are equipped to assist you.

Please note that Camms Standard Reports are built on Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and offer extensive customisation options. While Camms Standard Dashboards are less flexible, your consultant can help reconfigure them to best suit your specific needs.

Standard Microsoft Power BI Dashboard Apps

Explore a range of standard out-of-the-box Power BI dashboards included with your Camms Solution. Your Reporting Consultant is here to assist you in seamlessly installing these dashboards within your organisation, integrating them with your own data sources, and tailoring them to meet your specific requirements.

Please note that to leverage this functionality, your organisation must have a valid license for Camms.Connect and Microsoft Power BI Premium.


Leverage our versatile connectors to seamlessly integrate Camms data into your organisation’s preferred data visualisation tools, such as Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, and more, which support application programming interfaces (APIs) as a data source. Your Reporting Consultant is equipped to provide expert guidance and training on connecting data sources, designing impactful dashboards, and even developing custom-made dashboards tailored to your specific needs.


Elevate the presentation of your Camms data with our user-friendly, customisable website solution. Present your data in a professional, branded format that caters to various stakeholders, including the board, executive team, or even the wider public community. Your Reporting Consultant can streamline the process by assisting with dashboard configuration, publishing, and by providing comprehensive training so that you can confidently manage these reports in-house.


This user-friendly solution enables you to effortlessly create ad-hoc reports and dashboards. With intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, constructing impactful visualisations becomes a breeze. Export your creations to various formats and schedule automated distributions to different target audiences. Your Reporting Consultant is on hand to offer expertise in report and dashboard design, from customising existing templates to developing tailor-made solutions. Additionally, they provide comprehensive training, so you can design your own reports and dashboards with confidence.

Discover the power of our Reporting Hub by joining our exclusive on-demand webinar Reporting and Power BI Spotlight. See the latest reports and dashboard that Camms have developed and be inspired on how they can be optimally utilised in your organisation, tailored to your unique needs. To receive a personalised walkthrough, connect with one of our Virtual Consultants.

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The Reporting Hub: Simplifying Your Reporting Processes
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Head of Product; Project & Strategy, Camms
The Reporting Hub: Simplifying Your Reporting Processes
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Global Head of Product Enablement, Camms
The Reporting Hub: Simplifying Your Reporting Processes
Kisholi Mendis
Senior Solutions Consultant, Camms
The Reporting Hub: Simplifying Your Reporting Processes
Abdarrahman Sadurdeen
Global Product Consultant, Camms
The Reporting Hub: Simplifying Your Reporting Processes
The Reporting Hub: Simplifying Your Reporting Processes
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The Reporting Hub: Simplifying Your Reporting Processes